Healthy Costco Shopping List

The Essential Guide for a Healthy Costco Grocery List

Costco is a major warehouse brand bringing unique items to your neighborhood. Getting lost in Costco is nothing new, the store is huge with more items than you can possibly need. However, in this guide, we cover healthy and essential snacks that can be found in most Costco stores. After reading this guide, you’ll be educated on what items to buy for your healthy style of living.

Costco isn’t like your normal grocery store, it has unique brands that have partnered with Costco to be sold in its warehouses. Therefore, Costco offers snacks that are hard to find in other grocery stores. Costco usually offers its snacks in the front of the store to attract hungry customers to buy.

When buying from Costco, it’s essential to remember that Costco offers its items in bulk. That means when you buy, you’ll be buying family-pack-sized groceries. So portion your items accordingly, so you don’t get too much and help prevent food waste. Check the expiration date as well when buying in bulk. That way you know you can finish it before it expires and can portion how much to buy.

Now that we got the basics covered, read on to see the list of Healthy Costco Foods.

  1. RX Bars Costco

(Nutrition facts below depend on the type of bar and serving size)

rx bars costco

2. Costco Peaches

Costco provides exceptional fruit selection. Not only that, but the fruit is always fresh and you can’t go wrong with Costco Peaches.

That is why they are added to our list of healthy Costco foods.

costco peaches


3. Avocado Mayo Costco

Not in stock year around, but if you can catch it when it’s out, you’ll find a healthy alternative to regular mayo.

(The nutrition below is dependant on serving size)

avocado mayo costco

4. Pita Chips Costco

(The nutrition below depends on serving size)

pita chips costco

5. Tomato Paste Costco

(The nutrition below depends on serving size)

healthy costco snacks

6. Banza Pasta Costco

This gluten-free and Vegan, Plant-based is made with Chickpeas.

Banza Costco pasta is renowned for its unique taste as well.

(The nutrition below depends on serving size)

banza costco

7. Organic Hummus Costco

You can’t go wrong with hummus. A great substitute for other unhealthy dips.

Loaded with chickpeas and other healthy ingredients. Gluten-Free.

(The nutrition below depends on serving size)

organic hummus costco




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